Find out why your skin is peeling and how to treat it at home.

 Peeling skin can be caused by a variety   of reactions.

 Peeling skin is a condition that may come because of direct damage to the skin, examples are sunburn or infection. It may also be a sign of an immune system disorder or other conditions. 

Still, it's important and judicious that you go for a medical scan in other to know the cause of the peeling of skin, especially when you aren't certain it's a problem that can be overlooked. 

Possible causes of peeling skin 

As preliminarily mentioned, peeling skin could be the result of different reactions. 

It could be your body telling you that you need to drink further water, your skin’s rejection of one or further skincare products, or radiation poisoning. 
Peeling skin could also be an antipathetic reaction to some kind of food. 

Infections, which include Staphylococcus, fungal, and inheritable complaint can also lead to this condition. 
It could also be as a result of a rare skin disorder called acral peeling skin pattern that causes effortless peeling of the top subcaste of skin. 

Nevertheless, there are specific diseases and conditions that can cause peeling skin, and they are


  • Excessive  perspiration 
  • Overexposure to the sun and extreme rainfall conditions 
  • Skin rashes 
  • Responses to the skin caused by chemicals 
  • Broken pocks or injuries on the skin can lead to shelling during the mending process 
  • Certain types of cancer 
  • Dehydration 
  • Athlete’s bottom 
  • Atopic dermatitis (eczema) 
  • Contact dermatitisCutaneous 
  • T- cell carcinoma 
  • Sot skinHyperhidrosis 
  • Jock itch 
  • Kawasaki complaint 
  • Drug side goods 
  • Non-Hodgkin’s carcinoma 
  • Pemphigus 
  • Psoriasis 
  • Ringworm ( body) 
  • Ringworm ( crown) 
  • Scarlet fever 
  • Seborrheic dermatitis 
  • Staph infections 
  • Stevens-Johnson pattern 
  • Sunburn 
  • Poisonous shock pattern 
  • Shelling skin pattern( inheritable) 

Home remedies for peeling  skin 

  • Olive oil
Studies have shown that olive oil has skin- nourishing adipose acids that work as an excellent moisturizer for dry skin. 
The oil helps cover the skin and locks in moisture. And the vitamin E helps the body fight free revolutionaries that are frequently responsible for skin ageing. 

  • Cucumber

Being a natural astringent, cucumber contains plenitude of water that helps keep the skin hydrated, as well as easing vexation and itching. 
In addition, the vitamin C contained in it helps to reduce sunburn and facilitate skin repair. 

  • Lemon and sugar drop 

Lemon is a strong tangy with the capability to dissolve dead skin cells and help reduce peeling. It also contains healing and soothing properties that are good for the skin. 

And when combined with sugar, it becomes a awful natural mite for the skin. 

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